This video is the 2nd video on wave 1 Introduction to focus, There are 6 wave sets altogether
the first set will be wave 1
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Hemi-sync created by Robert Monroe
intended to synchronize both hemispheres of the brain, this can result in better deeper relaxation, help to induce sleep, deeper meditations also possible out of body experiences/remote viewing and or altered states of consciousness
the C.I.A also released the documents of the gateway process that can easily be looked up ..they was once classified
Full send let's see what this is about
Hey do you have the rest of discovery?
I can’t find the complete phase 1 anywhere anymore
I have some questions I literally went to sleep but I can’t remember falling asleep and woke up once he counted down from 7.
Thank you for Dr Monroe's actual training tapes from stargate/gateway/grillflame fbi study.. As an ex Buddhist Monk who learned Vipassana medfitation, the result is the same. Escep you have to renounce the need for having control of things. Shame the gateway grillflame hemisync project was used for espionage and manchurian candidates, instead of enlightenment. Lee Harvey Oswald was probably given some similar hypnotism to kill JFK, as the remote viewing program lay under the umbrella of MK-Ultra's mind control research. Mind you, this 'advanced fbi stuff' is basic beginner meditation for monks in Thailand. This is entry level meditation, with stereo inaudible frequencies containing the hidden orders/agenda of remote viewing to spy on other nations added. But it is interesting to see that fbi knew back then that all energy oscillates at a frequency and that understanding this is the key to everything
Is this from Monroe’s tapes?
I wish I could find this so when he says I should be hearing him in my right ear I actually hear him ONLY in my right ear and not hearing him in both ears when it should be only my right at that moment.
Legs and arms crossed beep boop beep beep boop upgradeddddddd 😂😂
This some powerful stuff here use it wisely
Beep boop
I hear him in both ears,..more on the right but definitely in both.
You should of left my genitals out of it, and there are 6 senses.
Literally used the memory technique after this and remembered the name of a random person I had a memory of. Looked it up on FB and confirmed that it was them.
for me its too much talking
Whoa!! Definitely real! Be careful and know what you want
Wish could find the complete set of tapes, even monroe institute page doesnt have, that i can find anyway. Still waiting for that powerful stuff but i understand it comes in waves you least expect. Abundance, Love, Joy fullness to all.
Can someone please explain me the fingers on the forehead and back of the neck? I don't know if I was too much shut down, but I couldn't comprehend it
It’s crazy how only selected find all the tapes 👁
So weird, once I got to phase 3 my legs started to hurt. Any idea what this could be about?
I have full record of those wave from 1 to 7, with the guide book. But English is not my first language, sometimes what he said i could not understand totally. Does anyone still got the good results without understanding part of what he said?
as soon as these tapes end i always find i have teared up a bit, very relaxing yet emotionally intense. thank you for sharing.
I have noticed – the better I can connect to my energy conversion box the better overall experience I will have from rest of the session. And that depends from outside distractions that irritates and makes me alert. I can control my inner energy and my thoughts but I cannot ignore outside distractions.
Does anybody knows a good exercise or meditation that helps to deal with outside distractions?
what happened to the other videos?
don't take them away from me
I appreciate the sharing of these Gateway videos. I had just begun to progress up and now the other levels are deleted?
I could not listen though that man’s hum.. it like scared the life out of me
So the other 4 are hidden, I wonder why?
Thank you Donna for the two. I can't wait for you to upload the others. Many blessings. They are wonderful tools for humanity.
Am I the only one who finds it hard to listen to the last bit of this when he’s use keeps repeating the same things over and over, like how many times and how many ways can you say you’ll be balanced is beyond me it throws me off so much
Hi Donna, can you send me link to the other videos please? I can only see part 1 &2. Amazing and want to continue to learn 🙏🙏🙏
Do you use another platform? I was told they removes the other 4 videos?
So colourful. This one was like oil plazma wave balls. I think i was at 10 before even listening to part 2.
I'd say it works very well.
Ive found more. Looks like there 6 waves. This was wave 1 track 1.
So like seasons S01E01 example W01T01. Hope this helps other find what they're looking for 👁👌
Can you upload the other videos?
How do you guys position yourselves for this ? If I lay down I’ll fall asleep , if I sit up right my left leg will eventually fall asleep and start hurting
Why did y’all take down all the videos ? This was so refreshing
How can we get the other videos that are blocked
Does anyone know where we can find the rest in Bob’s voice
My eyes started to twitch when he started playing the two sounds at the same time
Is it me or are these not recorded in stereo? I understand the original tapes were but not here on youtube. If so then your not getting the binaural sync it works by making a frequency between what is heard in on ear
and what is in the other.. i cant find a single recording of these tapes where you can hear him in the right ear only.. thats what is needed.
Someone had all the sessions posted. I think it was just removed. I was on #5 and now I can’t find it
Hi Donna, I use to listen to your other 4 hemi sync tracks, what happened ?
Where are the rest of the tapes??
Corrosive agents isolated…targets identified, going to Karen lvl 66 state, Mac and cheese not found, error 404, 😂🥰🧐
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