We’ve all had to use the Pythagorean Theorem at some point in school, but what’s not taught is the the story of the man himself; Pythagoras. An Ancient Greek philosopher that led an ultra-secretive cult that performed sacrifices to their gods… that were numbers.
Sources and Further Reading:
Kahn, Charles H. Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans 2001
Riedwig, Christoph. Pythagoras: His Life, Teaching, and Influence 2011
In the movie blade runner when Harrison Ford asked Ryan gosling what is your name and he said kd/ 36 whatever and he said that's a number what is your name and Ryan didn't know just like I don't know and he said I think Joe whatd ae painful experience. I cried so many tears. You have no idea.
Where did this information come from?
Obviously the golden rectangle in two dimensional is the prototype of the golden pyramid. This is obviously as follows
1.0 1.27272727, 1.414, 1.6180 1.27272727, 1.90212 this is the construct of the obvious in 3 dimensional height is 1/2base 5280 feet x 1/2 x 7 x 14/11 480 feet. Hey dude the square root of Phi squared plus one is the same as the square root of Phi plus 2
So search on some power and you become God?
That is everything what non believers want?
There is not Universe you living under Gods Firmament. At first start there about to thinking.
Everything what you known about Space is not some is truth some is not truth everything is 100% lie.
Question back
If Feathers on chicken have do not matter what from power, can they become chicken.
Is not important what you known what not how what ever power
You living all living in Gods creation and become God can not happens on no way. You need living outside creation and made own and only then in such case can something happens. But even with first step outside creation there is not existence instantly death.
Nice! Did not expect that. Modern scholars may be up to something? Also interesting. I do find numerology has some merits.
I am hyperian
Lol attention to so much personal detail only to make one walk in uncertainty
Jesus would like to remind you that if you don't sin he died for nothing
This channel should be called.
“Mind my quill.”
Your sound is not net ,It seems you are far from microphone and this causes your voice not be heard sharp and clear
The realization of the 10 count system was a simpler way of digesting large complexities through human mind process's or material intelligence In consideration for Sacred scripture it coincided with the realization of 9 single digits. Nine being the number of completion in relation to the immaterial, or that which is Sacred and beyond all material understanding This also introduced the idea of a cyclical process of completion based on 9 positions. In getting to 10 an intimation of a verity revealed in retrospect. The irony: in going beyond a thing, is the grace that allows us, through constant review, all that we missed. Based upon the idea of what our perceptions have missed in relation to the truest understanding of #, a statement of what humanity is being afforded at this moment in time. Offered by immaterial definition (ultimately beyond definition of material verities). We are at the verge of collectively counting, two, three……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………For those delving into these realities based solely on material definition your next god (please note, the word god, as presented in all lower case letters) will be 19. This offered with great clarification. The offered statement is not prophetic but rather an inevitability based upon observations, free of conflict of interest, of the history of human material intelligence. The intimation of a cult of 19 is already being seen. To get caught up in what is seen materially is merely a distraction from the truest unfathomable wonderment possible.
Just as there are those who want you to focus on synchronicities, such is the affirmation of a process, that when a thing is mentioned, it becomes more apparent in our sight. All things mentioned by human intelligence were there all along. All things being seen currently are the result of a things mentioned in this age by intelligence beyond human understanding.
19 is and always has been. Now that it is being brought into light (not by me) you will see it more readily.
It is an indication of greater context through the affirmation of extremes. Contained within is the simplest truth, which more times than not is denied through material definitions of complexity.
This is why individual material intelligence is a trap. For all intelligence, if affirmed, is greater than any individual material intelligence. All human intelligence is dependent on greater intelligence than our own to support growth in understanding.
To affirm our truest dependent state, is to relieve ones self of the great burden of understanding solely based upon limited individual intelligence.
An other way of phrasing it could be "to acknowledge all intelligence, is to avail ones self to all intelligence acknowledged.
There is intelligence exponentially far beyond the fullest reality of human material intelligence.
We have been willing to believe in human intelligence, We have accomplished incredible things with our human intelligence. The next stage is belief in intelligence other than our own that can not be given definition by our own intelligence. It can be seen though.
Herein lies the importance of what was offered in "sacred scripture" for it freely offered sight unto the blind. Or by other more digestible definition an ability to see things previously unseen or obscured by our perceived material vision. Things currently being revealed were always there. Our individual sight is in no way tied to the existence and or origin of anything that we have been allowed to see.
Even within this material reality the greater variable in relation to what is seen, is light reflecting off of things seen.
Even within this material reality, material light expresses no prejudice in what it illumines. The sun shines on all equitably. This not in denial that a cyclical process is required for the light of the sun to illumine the whole earth. In this a great material verity to our own condition of blindness based upon the perception that our sight is the proof of the existence of things.
No doubt this perception is in blind denial of the truest material verities within the material existence of which it currently resides.
Once you understand that maths is descriptive and not explicative. That all “Pythagoras” knew was already known, long before he supposedly existed. You know no right thinking person would ever mistake maths for God or anything along those lines.
Watch – Math proves the Bible. See also Ivan Panin
Numbers can be used to describe the universe but they neither explain nor generate it. Pressure conditions do.
They were drinking psychedelic potions.
Yes gods number is 7 always has been why didn't you know that I knew that at eight reading an old testament Bible
I became a god of sorts right at about 8 inches…. Honest 8…
"They're the numbers on the calculator with 15 sixes, they just keep goin'?" 😆
He learned math and geometry from the egyptians and the egyptians got it from hindus of india. 2+2=5 lol
10-10-1990 32 this year
Arrrh you lost me at numbers.
He was soooo scared of beans
Gee let's drink his Kool-Aid
cough 9 cough
Math teachers are part of this cult or some shit
Is it just me or do his attempts at humor, just fall short? Instead he just sounds like a dick. Still it is a very entertaining video.
The Monad is zero and it's geometric counterpart zero-dimensional space.
0D Monad is (SNF)
1D Line is (WNF)
2D Plane is (EMF)
3D Volume is (GF)
the music is really annoying, as you dont speak very clearly yourself, having this 100Hz droning on in the background, sorry could not watch this.
Thank you! I appreciate your effort and explanations! (And humor!) 👏
The first “Revenge of the Nerds” club? You’re fun.
Im conflicted. On one hand he was a cult leader. On the other, he was a cult leader who DISCOVERED MUSIC HAS FUCKING MATHEMATICS AND OTHER FOUNDATIONAL MATH. He gets a pass. If you make those claims go get your cult you earned it.
Before I watch this video if it's 71…I swear
°° + 0 – °° = 0 , °° – °° = 0, 0 + 0 = 0, 0 is the spot – the spring of frequency, existance = GOD – OOO – COD – QOD – ©D, ©@ – the one who codes the entire universe!
3 musketeers chocolates 😕😕🧩🧩
He learned from the Qabalistic oral ttaditions
God + devil = zero = good + evil = + infinity- infinity= rich + poor= Harry Potter + Voldemort = Jedi + Sith=zero = +2 -2 = zero
33 million as per Yogi bear.
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