Are we in a simulation? Numerology simulation theory

What is numerology simulation theory?

In this video we look at the simulation hypothesis and the question of whether we are living in a simulation. There are some surprising answers in an under explored source of knowledge: numerology. And as we dig deeper, we find that our world is governed by numbers.

How do we know if our experiences are real?

It’s an age old philosophical question. The simulation hypothesis is the proposal that all of reality, including the Earth and the rest of the universe, could in fact be an artificial computer program.

Elon Musk thinks it’s not only possible, but that it’s very likely we’re living in a simulation. And his logic goes like this:

First of all, the universe is 13.8 billion years old. But human civilization, as we know it, is only about 10,000 years old. Which is just a tiny fraction of the age of universe.

Secondly 40 years ago, we had video games like pong. Which was basically 2 moving rectangles and a dot. But today, we have immersive photorealistic 3D graphics, with millions of people playing, all at the same time. And it’s only getting better, every year.

Third, if we assume any rate of improvement at all, even a 1% improvement per year, then eventually, we should reach a point where we can’t tell these simulations apart from reality. It might happen 100 years from now. It might happen 1,000 years from now. But either way, it’s almost certain, that on a long enough timeline, we WILL eventually reach that point. Unless something stops us from getting there. Like an extinction event.

Fourth, if we ever did gain the technology to build a simulation, then we’d be able to build many, many simulations.

And because there’s only ONE base reality, the odds that we’re living in one of the millions of possible simulated worlds, is much higher than the odds that we’re living in the REAL world.

Whether or not you agree, Elon Musk isn’t alone here. A lot of smart people believe that the simulation hypothesis is true: from computer scientist Rizwan Virk, to physicist Max Tegmark. We also look at contributions from Erwin Schrödinger and Sylvester James Gates Jr.

But the more we explore these ideas, the more it looks like our entire universe, is governed by numbers. Because the closer we look at things that seem non-mathematical – the more clear it becomes that they too can be understood through numbers. And although this might seem like a new idea, its roots can be traced back to an ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician: Pythagoras.


00:00 – Prologue
00:47 – The Simulation Hypothesis
03:33 – Rizwan Virk on simulations and numbers
07:43 – Max Tegmark on simulation and numbers
09:28 – Pythagoras and the world of numbers
10:11 – The Transmigration of Souls and Simulations
11:25 – Epilogue



  1. I loved this video. I personally think that we are living in a simulated reality only because "reality" can be manipulated with practicing manifestation or say with prayer or just blind faith in what you believe to be true.

  2. This makes me think of gnosticism. Somehow it also brings to mind ex-IMF boss Christine Lagarde's speech on numerology and the importance of the number 7.
    Then I would say regarding the idea of multiple simulations that if the hypothesis is true, some could be contained one within another like Russian dolls: "Programs hacking programs" as Neo noted, whereas others would be very different and very remote, belonging to their own universe.

  3. Amazing work! Decoding your Reality, a channel here on Youtube uses numerology among other ways to figure things out. He is accurate! I do believe we are in some type of simulation. what is looks like is yet to be discovered. Is it like a computer program? I suspect it is something not yet known. Far more advanced than the computers of today.

  4. As you must know, there is a huge body of research on NDES, OBES and past life hypnotic regression, and although (theoretically) any vivid sensory expericence can easily be simulated which might explain afterlife accounts, or there might be some type of spiritual aspect to existence.

    I also know that mainstream academia and the online research community is rampant with disinformation mixed with truth (not you) as this reality bends over backwards to make people feel small, powerless, helpless and hopeless.

    And although Bostrom is clearly brilliant, he makes a few baseless assumptions such as future humans creating an ancestral simulation or aliens.

    What is your take on free will, consent and natural law in the context of a simulated reality?

  5. There are schools of thought that espouse that we're not here to learn anything—that we come from a "place" where we know all, and are only here to experience everything we know.

  6. Wonderful channel, finally I landed on something where I can satisfy my metaphysical lust… Your followers are genuine and I believe we all might be vibrating at a same frequency at the same time so universe created a way to make us connect…

  7. This channel makes it very obvious why YouTube killed television. Tv wishes it had this good of a educational programms before 2005

  8. You gained a new subscriber! The philosophical spiritual meaning with logic you state in your videos makes an incredible interesting overall view of the topic you're covering! I'm always changing my mind 🙂

  9. Hey guys! I've recently discovered your channel here. Pretty good stuff especially the one about the Matrix and the simulation theory.

    Since I was a kid, I felt different from other people. Like I never couldn't fit in within a group deep down. Something in me felt empty. Much like I how I didn't want to follow societal trends and did things my own way. Almost as if there was something more to life than what I see in this physical world. And wanting to know if Jesus Christ of the Bible was real or not. I've even had some strange experiences when I was a kid and in my teens that were out of the ordinary. I didn't know why I was getting them though. It makes me wonder if I was more prone to things back then since my life was different. I was also prone to having more dreams as well than I do now. Good thing I recorded many of the dreams I've had.

    I'm in my 20s right now but even then when I look back in my life, I've seen and went through stuff more than I realized. This won't be the last time these things will happen now that I've reached a point where I'm becoming more aware of these.

    Intriguing content for sure.

  10. Another great video. First time here I've heard the consideration that a soul must be a part of a simulation and compared to an app, running the show. It is a very ancient idea in fact, much older than the Pythagoras – Vedic knowledge of the Self/Atma. Greeks had many ideas from the ancient India due to an intense exchange in old days – commercial and cultural. The concept of the simulation is also not knew – it was present all along in the Vedic word view and is called maya – just it is not a computer simulated but…. God simulated. We exist in the dream of God… which is translated though the vehicle of the mind into mental construct and then matter, and can be manipulated by the mind…
    I hope to see that science finally will arrive at the idea that there is no any computer 'out there' but it is a Divine Being/Intelligent Energy who is running the show by means of having placed a piece of Himself in the heart of all sentient beings (entanglement). Well, I should stop here …
    Love your videos, will be watching all of them. Well presented, good work. Thank you.

  11. Thanks for the spoiler alert. I was just starting to buy into the illusion and enjoy the experience, but I think I always knew that our material human bodies, which are connected to the non-material, consciousness, that we really are and use, via these human biological systems to see and feel and experience the show, was never part of the material universe, but I enjoyed the experience and plan to purchase another ticket after my human bot ceases to function. But until then, I’m going to keep pretending because it’s lots of fun.

  12. Thank you. I do agree with the eternal soul. We have to ask ourselves why we are drawn or magnetised by certain people places things etc. are the people etc etc part of our soul tribe and soul location (past lives). Life is cyclical. Thank you for sharing

  13. 99.5% chance that we are in a simulation. Probably simulation inception for good measure. CERN just made an interesting discovery. The microcosm is the macrocosm. As above, so below. I think one can play the game and transcend the multiple levels of simulation. It just helps to access the designer (god) to achieve this. Maybe, just maybe, Dark matter is actually where Base Really is. Or maybe it's the next level of simulation. Or not.

  14. Haha, I was just talking about that game (pong) I called it tennis lol on the Atari on TV. Wow many decades ago , and the joy pad, and how things have changed, I personally don't like the violence, in a lot of them , I prefer my rose tinted specs on 🤷‍♀️🤔🙄😊.. Our minds eye and our heart,s , help us , our intuition is there for a reason, I still question everything about everything, your never to old to learn something new, everydays a school day so to speak 🧚‍♀️❤

  15. My only issue is the surety of knowing how old the universe is and how long we’ve existed. Who truly knows those answers.

  16. The problem with the base reality theory is, who or what made it, and who made them?

    I prefer to believe this reality is a dream. I think this because i'm able to fall asleep and dream within dreams then do the same within those dreams. If those dreams that feel more real than this reality exist, why wouldn't this also be a dream?

  17. I'm cool with finding out that my life has been a simulation, and continues to be one. But I'd like to alter this simulation so that ecological responsibility and empirical study are both embraced naturally by all sentient beings, and climate change has been responded to from the most life-affirming place. World peace would be nice too. Perhaps an end to starvation and… well, I could go on and on, and if I ever find the attenuator knob for my simulation you can bet I'll be learning that puppy!!

  18. There is another argument why we live in a simulation. The creator of everything (it) must contain the whole creation. There cannot be anything outside of creation (what could it be that does not have to do with the Creator – is there nothing?). The Creator must be infinite in all respects (contrasts, creativity, innovation, memory, intelligence etc). It is from this premise that everything must be a simulation in the "Creator". Life is thus the Creator fragmenting itself into different experiences in different environments. It follows that there are infinitely many universes of infinitely many sizes. All that is needed to start a universe(s) is for two waves (of any frequency) to meet at some angle (they collide) one/or both of which loop and form a shell (actually like an apple monk). Since the combination of waves and shell is constantly re-forming and the shells have a vibration (breathing), a universe is filled with background radiation (from the universe bubble on the one hand and all other bubbles in it on the other. From this the four forces can be derived as well as all the laws of the universe. This is what you do if you have infinite intelligence (the Creator). Something super-simple becomes something super-complex.

  19. The simulation theory would also perfectly explain the illogical nature of the creation mythos. An entire universe being created from a point of nothingness sounds an awful lot like a video game realm that spawns in the moment you boot it up. From the perspective of the "local NPCs" within the game, that world has always been there and was not just created 2 seconds ago from software and a graphics processor.

  20. DMT experiences of mine made it difficult to even seriously consider that we 'aren't' in a simulation of some type. Even perhaps just one level of many of a simulation or similar.
    Enjoy the ride and remember, it isn't all that serious!

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